Thursday, May 28, 2009

nothing much to report

okay so i haven't blogged in awhile cuz i haven't had anything much to say, but i'm forcing one anyways.
me and scott and jackie went out to dinner last nite (a really burner chinese food place in town) and when we were leaving my cell phone rang and it was a little girl for jackie. it was her first friend phone call. isn't that big? jack was really perky and paced around in the parking lot for a minute acting hot talking on the phone, and then got off. do people call each other at 7? she seemed much too newbornish for such an activity.i don't really feel like her working friends. i will be her friend! lol! i am only sort of kidding...anyways that's all i've got...


  1. This was a GREAT post...Just what I am talking about...a quick tid bit if that's what you've got....haha.....As for the phone call for Jackie, 7 DOES seem kind of little to me...but everyone seems to be younger these days doing almost everything....I don't remember the boys "talk" talking on the phone (you know just for the heck of it, nothing in particular sort of thing) hardly at all till they were in High School. And Mel didn't chat with friends on the phone till she was at least 6th grade, and even then it was limited (by her, not me) haha But come on Min they certainly "work" friends by 7....haha Mel had arranged play dates at 4!! I had to cuz there were NO kids her age in the neighborhood....Of course all her friends till she was in the 3rd grade were boys....and I do mean ALL of them...haha You know, there were NO cell phones in those days though, and most importantly no calling I wasn't gonna let some kid sit chatting on a phone, tying up the line etc....things are different now I suppose....

  2. She is an absolute newborn! You are more than good enough to be her friend.

  3. your living in la la land mom. you don't think we were on the phone until high school, are you high? 981-6670, 981-7781, and 920 0109 were all phone numbers i had memorized by the fourth grade, memorized. get a grip.

  4. fyi the last post was jim not larissa

  5. OK OK I meant LONG chatty conversations....not can you come out? ones......I actually recognize the McMillians and Pierre's numbers...haha I was momentarily shocked btw when I read "Larissa's" first post, but then it struck me, this squeels Jim, not Larissa.....she wouldn't be mean....and it remains what I said, "I don't remember" many occasions with you guys sitting there chatting on the phone till you were in high school. I didn't say you were NEVER on the phone...I do remember all of you in high school being on the phone when you weren't suppose to be or late at night and me "trying" to hear what was being said outside the bedroom door with my ear up to the door....haha
